PBC News & Comment: Obama Makes Minor Change to Permit More Cannabis Research

Anticipating full re-scheduling of marijuana under Drug Enforcement Act, this feeble move to end war on some weeds is disappointing…..--ignoring almost all advice, Trump defiantly continues to peddle outrage, now says Obama was “founder” of IS
--VICE offers a more neutral account of the rise of IS
--Pentagon claims that IS forces have dwindled to 15,000 or so
--former CIA official Mike Morell is auditioning for top CIA job, makes reckless and hawkish comments in Charlie Rose interview
--law professor Jonathan Turley calls Clinton Foundation coordination with State Dept. “pay to play” scheme”
--NY Times report on DNC hack by Russians buries a mention of suspicious death of DNC staffer Seth Rich
--Ecuador and Sweden have agreed to permit Swedish investigators to question Julian Assange at London embassy
--at "Fox News", harassment investigation widens to include executives who urged victims to be silent
--Arianna Huffington stepping down from HuffPost to spend more time with her pillow
--in libel case, Glenn Beck is ordered to reveal sources he said fingered Saudi student for Boston Marathon bombing
--TSA Precheck lets you glide through airport security, if you are willing to share all personal info with FBI database
--Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) uses new Pentagon report to demagogue any effort to close Guantanamo
--in excellent analysis, Marcy Wheeler reviews Obama’s drone policies and asks, “are there any limits, really?”