PBC News & Comment: NY Times Confirms US-Saudi Alliance in Syria

In Sunday front-pager, NY Times confirms Saudi money has paid for CIA training of various rebel groups in Syria war….--Sibel Edmonds first reported US covert trainers in Jordan in December, 2011
--over the weekend, John Kerry visited Saudi Arabia and Joe Biden went to Turkey to shore up the dysfunctional alliance against Daesh
--The Australian reports that US and Russia both have new airbases in Syria, just 50 km apart
--watch for major mission creep in Obama’s final year: Pentagon ponders new military action in Libya, says it “may” add more US troops in Iraq for Mosul battle, US asked to train Iraqi police, again
--Russian bombing raids kill dozens of civilians in Syria over last 3 days
--5 years ago today, protesters in Tahrir Square launched short-lived revolution in Egypt
--amid violence, Haiti postpones sham election scheduled for yesterday, January 24
--State Dept. missed the deadline to release last batch of Clinton emails, and Jason Leopold files court brief demanding action before primaries
--at ConsortiumNews, Robert Parry recaps Clinton’s history at State Department and her embrace of neocon policies
--Mike Bloomberg, a richer billionaire than Trump, eyes entering the presidential race as independent
--Trump threatens Fox: he’ll boycott next debate if Megyn Kelly is a moderator
--Obama, who says he won’t endorse in Dem primary, praises Hillary and offers faint praise for Bernie
--5 months after PBC reported the story, NY Times covers lawsuits against Disney for replacing American workers with immigrants