PBC News & Comment: Nurses Give Sanders First Major Union Endorsement

On California swing, Bernie Sanders picks up nurses union endorsement in Oakland, draws big, youthful crowd at Los Angeles arena….
--listeners react to my comments yesterday about the disruption of the Sanders rally in Seattle last Saturday
--Harvard professor Larry Lessig considers run as single-issue candidate, focused on campaign finance reform, ending Citizens United
--Jeb Bush, at Reagan Library, hits Hillary because she “stood by” as Iraq returned to chaos after W’s heroic “surge”
--former head of Defense Intelligence Agency affirms memo on IS, says it was “willful decision” to ignore its predictions
--Ferguson remains tense with 144 arrests, including Cornel West as armed white males from “Oath Keepers” join the fray, and Pentagon recalls Humvees
--new data on police use of force is “useless”, and inconsistent
--The Guardian’s series, The Counted, collects actual data on police use of force, and it’s scary
--new interactive website demonstrates how policy changes can reduce the prison population
--in fumble cleanup of mining wastewater, EPA compounds blunders by delaying warnings to downstream
--FBI finally admits that “predictive assessments” place people on “no fly” list
--Google reorganizes, but forgot to Google new corporate name, Alphabet, which is owned by BMW