PBC News & Comment: New Video of Charlotte Police Killing

New video of police shooting of Keith Scott, shows his wife tried to de-escalate, puts more pressure on cops to release their videos….--Scott’s wife shot video, warned cops that Keith had traumatic brain injury, yells that he has no gun
--Tulsa didn’t play games with video, and cop who shot Terence Crutcher is charged with manslaughter
--Massachusetts Supreme Court rules that black men may be justified in avoiding encounters with cops, including running away
--incoherent Trump calls for racial unity, and in same breath promotes stop and frisk, often based on racial profiling
--NY bombing suspect Ahmad Rahami spent 3 weeks at madrasa in Pakistan in 2011, reports The Guardian
--Syria and Russia launch renewed assault on Aleppo, seems like cease fire is over
--NY Times article notes how Obama keeps his distance from Obama’s wars
--as Boeing gets US approval to sell airliners to Iran, Rouhani says US is not fully honoring the nuclear deal
--Afghan government is ready to sign peace agreement with warlord Hekmatyar
--peace activists gather in DC this weekend for NoWar2016, plan Pentagon protest on Monday
--in latest outrage, Army panel punishes Chelsea Manning with solitary confinement for suicide attempt
--in campaign season, members of Congress who ignored massive bank crimes are taking pot shots at Wells Fargo, even returning campaign contributions
--latest email hack exposes security and donor info related to Clinton campaign events
--Obama has often threatened, but rarely used his veto power; his expected veto of JASTA is predicted to be overridden by both houses