PBC News & Comment: New Poll Shows Sanders Beats Top GOP Contenders

New national polls show Hillary Clinton maintains lead over Bernie Sanders in primary, but Sanders can beat top Republicans….--University of Illinois agrees to pay $875,000 to Prof. Steven Salaita in settlement of wrongful termination suit after controversial tweets
--Oregon’s attorney general says she’s “appalled” by her own department’s monitoring of communications of Black Lives Matter activists
--documents show FBI illegally monitored peaceful protesters of the School of the Americas for 10 years
--Facebook reports that American government agencies made 26,000 requests for user information
--NSA whistleblower Tom Drake is profiled on al Jazeera, as new report shows that whistleblower laws are mostly useless
--Mr. FOIA, Jason Leopold, inspects the work of the CIA’s Inspector General
--in op-ed, Trevor Timm smacks Obama for allowing Congress to delay closing Guantanamo
--my in-depth interview with Andy Worthington about Shaker Aamer and closing Gitmo is now available at BoilingFrogsPost
--in outrageous move, Israeli forces in Palestinian garb invade Hebron hospital and kill Palestinian man