Dennis Kucinich and secret tapes confirm that Hillary Clinton ignored facts in pushing for war and regime change in Libya...Read the Libya expose here
--new skirmishes in Sinai, Kirkuk, Pakistan, Afghanistan
--in Iraq, despite new “unity government”, new reports of Shia slaughtering 72 Sunnis in Diyala province
--all this chaos is used to justify $38 billion increase in war spending in Obama’s new budget
--bright spot in Obama budget: $215 million for personalized medicine
--here are the 9 Dem senators who voted for Keystone bill
--GOP Sen. Jeff Flake supports lifting Cuba embargo
--no surprise, Romney now says he won’t run on 2016
--in op-ed, Lavabit owner Ladar Levison says government told big lies about him and Barrett Brown
--Boy Scouts settle Santa Barbara sex abuse case in order to seal its secret pedo-files
--Danish journalist Emma Holten’s computers were hacked, and nude photos were passed around by creepy men. So she has posted her own nudes as a different form of revenge porn; see the video here