PBC News & Comment: Naomi Klein and Millennial Blogger Explain Why Clinton Lost

Millennial blogger Trent Lapinksi and Naomi Klein offer compelling explanations for Clinton’s loss and her Democratic supporters’ deep denial…--read Trent Lapinksi’s post here
--Naomi Klein fingers neoliberalism, read it here
--Michael Moore, who pimped for Clinton just a week ago, has some good ideas about reforming the Dem party
--Trump and Obama meet for 90 minutes, exchange happy talk for media
--anti-Trump protests pop up in NY, Chicago, Oakland and other cities
--on the Left Coast, talk of secession for California, Oregon and Washington draws headlines but would face extreme hurdles
--election protection activist Jonathan Simon looks at exit polls, and suspects that Trump forces did “rig” the election
--minor party candidates Jill Stein and Gary Johnson drew votes, but presently, there is no state where Stein voters spoiled it for Clinton
--analysts show that white women—especially those without college degrees—voted for Trump and beefed up his margins
--at Vice, Jason Leopold reports that current intelligence leadership is “spooked” by Trump’s election
--spike in hate crimes reported since election
--many pundits say the current TPP deal is dead, but Obama may find a way to pass it in lame duck session