PBC News & Comment: My Opinion Counts! PBC Gets Polled by Pew

New polls show demagoguery works for Trump, and that majority of millenials want to send somebody else to fight Daesh…--your humble host sat through a lengthy list of questions in Pew research poll, found many of the questions biased toward “get tough on Islam” viewpoint
--new NPR poll says 60% of millenials support boots on the ground, but 83% don’t want to wear those boots; 18-29-year olds support Sanders over Clinton
--new CBS/Times poll shows Trump dominates GOP race, but a third of Republicans say they are “concerned or scared” by Trump
--in important analytical report in Wednesday’s NY Times, Rukmini Calllimachi shows how America’s bellicose and bigoted are jumping into trap set by IS
--the exaggerated threat of IS and its “affiliates” is exploited by the Pentagon in plans to add more bases in Africa, Asia, Mideast
--in Syria, non-Daesh rebels exit Homs, giving key victory to Assad after years of fighting
--new report from Amnesty International says US and 24 nations provided the weapons that IS is using
--NPR’s new Serial podcast explores the case of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl—was he a traitor or a whistleblower?
--Uber suffers legal setback as court expands the scope of class-action suit brought by drivers
--in our latest in-depth interview, author Steven Hill details the dark side of Uber, and in this excerpt talks about how it is splintering Democrats
--PBC agrees with Sen. Ted Cruz about one thing: bulk collection of phone records isn’t constitutional or useful
--in California, prisons employee lambastes Muslims in public park, as ignorant vigilantes vandalize Sikh temple in Orange County
--as Paris climate conference finalizes agreement, report shows that carbon emissions are declining for first time in 15 years