PBC News & Comment: Judge Rules That Obama Kill-at-will Memos Stay Secret

Federal judge in Oakland joins others in deferring to expansive executive authority, rules that targeted killing memos remain secret….Click here for free audiobook download from Audible, and earn $15 for the PBC Podcast!
–Court rules that Obama kill memos remain secret
–one year since Boston bombing:  contradictions abound, as Russ Baker keeps investigating, Boston Globe wins Pulitzer
–Dzhokar Tsarnaev held in isolation
–Chelsea Manning appeal is denied
–Grim  prisons:  Abu Graib closed by Iraq, Gitmo pretrial hearing suspended as FBI is investigated
–both sides use “rampant torture” in Syria
–in excerpt from our in-depth interview, Dr. Betsy Leondar-Wright talks about her fight against classism
–Kansas shooter wasn’t Muslim, so his crimes are charged as hate crimes, but not “terrorism”   as noted by Juan Cole
–Obama commutes sentence that was extended 3 years by typo
–French group calls for nightly breaks from business email