PBC News & Comment: Jihadi John, American Malware and Net Neutrality

--Corporate media goes into hyperdrive over identification of “Jihadi John”, a monster created by Britain’s heavy handed anti-terrorism tactics….

Read the backstory of Mohammed Emwazi here.
--our Swiss listener Olivier de Mirleau tipped us to Ars Technica’s report that exposes massive malware schemes with NSA fingerprints
--FCC protects net neutrality in 3-2 vote, a major victory for activists
--Glenn Greenwald breaks down yesterday’s news of disrupted terror plot, echoes my comments on the pattern of frame-ups
--some states are trying to use psychological profiles of prisoners to predict future crime
--at Boiling Frogs Post, our Processing Distortion podcast features reporter Michael Ames, who says profiteers are preventing prison reform
--California 3-strike prisoners who won early release have very low levels of re-offending
--in bizarre war games, Iran televises attack on mock US aircraft carrier
--in bizarre warmongering, Netanyahu tries to scuttle Iran nuclear deal, as ObamaCo turns up the volume of criticism
--San Francisco archbishop attempts damage control after trying to impose morals clauses for teachers at Catholic schools
--California will pay $24 million to kill bad Schwarzenegger deal to sell state buildings