PBC News & Comment: I Agree With John Cusack

Actor John Cusack says that on drones, spying, and other issues, Obama is worse than Bush—your humble host agrees…
--read Cusack's comments here
--ObamaCo reveals alleged Chinese hack of US govt employees data in April, one day after disclosure of Obama’s secret expansion of spying in 2012, aimed at hackers, they say; China denies responsibility
--Ed Snowden observes 2nd anniversary of his leaks, says he made “profound difference”
--in excerpt from my Processing Distortion interview, NSA whistleblower Russell Tice, who says Obama is "disingenuous" about domestic surveillance
--Got anthrax? Pentagon appeals to scientists for help tracking missing samples, now admits that 51 labs got shipments
--trying to repair image of ineptness, Pentagon crows that social media post identified target of airstrike within 24 hours
--pledge to IS by Sunni sheiks in Anbar called publicity stunt
--family of American held in Yemen spars with State Department
--in Texas, Hillary Clinton announces voting rights agenda, shows she understands GOP voter suppression efforts
--George Soros is spending $5 million to bankroll challenges to voter suppression laws
--new poll shows Hillary’s support declining
--Yoko Ono says she had a “fling” with Hillary in the 1970’2
--woman says Dennis Hastert was her dead brother’s first gay partner, corporate media still avoids Hastert’s Turkey connections
--Turkey holds elections this weekend
--Zionists at my alma mater, Northwestern, use deceptive methods in fighting BDS resolution, using my name without permission