PBC News & Comment: As Hillary Launches Inevitable 2.0, Surprise Challenger Surfaces

Lincoln Chafee, the moderate GOP Senator turned Independent Rhode Island Governor, morphs into Democratic presidential candidate, surprising just about everyone….
--team Hillary leaks her weekend launch plans, then sends disingenuous email suggesting she hasn’t made final decision
--possible candidate Joe Biden blabbers about great progress against IS contradicted by
--report that IS counterattack in Anbar, killing 40 and gaining ground, and
--report that IS closes in on Damascus after seizing Yarmouk refugee camp
--Wisconsin man arrested at O’Hare, was trying to fly to middle east to join IS
--in our in-depth interview released today, journalist Reese Erlich explains the real reason for the confrontation with Iran
--as we discuss with Erlich, the Saudi request for Pakistani troops in Yemen causes domestic opposition
--Andy Worthington writes about Guantanamo hunger striker Muaz al-Alawi, who was shot by guard unprovoked
--The Guardian reports FBI goes to incredible lengths to keep Stingray cellphone surveillance gear secret
--New Mexico legislature passes bill to end civil asset forfeitures…GOP governor just signed it!
--California’s toothless regulator bites rogue utility PG&E with $1.6 billion fine for deadly gas pipeline blast
--Long Island woman faces fraud charges for being married to 7 men at the same time