PBC News & Comment: Hillary’s Presidential Run is Inevitable, Again

Will the massive national promo blitz for her new book Hard Choices put Hillary on track for White House in 2016?Click here for free audiobook download from Audible, and earn $15 for the PBC Podcast!
–Hillary’s media blitz—see Bob & Barbara Dreyfuss post at the Nation
–what is Hillary’s position on Guantanamo?  She wrote a private memo to Obama when she left State Dept.
–Ramzi Kassem writes strong op-ed about lawless Gitmo
–Pope tries to supplant Kerry, Clinton on Mideast peace
–13 dead in assault on Karachi airport
–Afghan presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah survives assassination attempt
–in Egypt, al-Sisi installed as president, new laws ensure dictatorship
–Google and other tech giants publicize plans to harden networks against NSA in order to continue massive corporate data collection
–Obama orders easing of college loan terms
–in interview with Tom Friedman, Obama shows he knows the true risks of climate change, rationalizes his “all of above” energy mantra
–State Dept report says Keystone XL would be safer than rail transport
–study shows that 9 states which cap carbon emissions have stronger economic growth
–jails and prisons are reducing the extortion of families through obscene phone rates