PBC News & Comment: GOP-Run House Defeats Key Amendments on War Powers, Guantanamo

GOP-run House defeats amendments to repeal Bush war powers and end Gitmo embargo, but funds the wars in Iraq, Syria….--Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) led debate on repeal of the blank check given to Bush, Repubs add $18 billion Obama doesn’t want
--Egyptian airliner crashes en route to Cairo with 66 dead
--corporate media continues to paint Sanders as loser, spoiler who’s willing to “harm Hillary in the homestretch” says NY Times
--new poll shows that 91% of voters under 30 want an independent on November ballot, 55% of all age groups
--at The Guardian, Trevor Timm lists 5 things people should stop saying about Sanders
--in our new in-depth interview, Kevin Zeese details how Sanders could win on Green Party ticket
--another Clinton associate testifies about email in court case
--trying to seem presidential, Trump releases list of 11 candidates for Supreme Court, with some truly odd picks; read The Hill’s rundown here, and Roger Shuler’s takedown of Bill Pryor here
--super spy and proven perjurer James Clapper reports that presidential campaigns have already been hacked
--super leaker Chelsea Manning files appeal of her 35-year prison sentence
--after 56 years on 60 Minutes, Morley Safer dies at age 84