PBC News & Comment: GOP Hypocrites Hammer Obama Over Taliban Prisoner Swap

Obama’s prisoner swap draws political attacks, and begs questions about release of cleared inmates and ending perpetual war…
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–as Republicans attack, Obama defends Taliban prisoner swap
–Clive Stafford Smith asks, “what about the innocent prisoners at Gitmo?” and other ironies
–Dr. Jeff Kaye builds on Scott Horton’s work about 2006 prisoner “suicides” as cover story unravels
–Admiral Mike Rogers, new NSA boss, pays lip service to privacy rights, says he thinks Snowden is not a foreign spy
–Steve DeAngelo of Harborside dispensary in Oaklnad comments on House bill to block prosecutions
–“Justice” Dept revives shuttered Domestic Terrorism unit
–Reid vs. McConnell: rare joint committee appearance by the leaders regarding amendment to fix Citizens United
–Israel is shocked that US is willing to work with Palestinian unity government
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