PBC News & Comment: Glass Ceiling Broken, Along With Primary Election Process

As Sanders sputters in California, Clinton claims the nomination despite shortfall of 172 pledged delegates; race to the bottom commences….
--low turnout and Latino loyalty to Clintons enable Hillary to win California 56 to 43
--widespread reports of voting problems and provisional ballots add to litany of issues that show process is broken
--corporate media acknowledge inherent unfairness of the primary process, and advise no change
--Trevor Timm outlines the key failures
--after many premature versions, the Sanders 2016 Dem obituaries are surfacing; Politico offers a revealing one
--Trump U is not only university scandal: Jonathan Turley reveals Bill and Hillary’s connections to Laureate Education
--in our new in-depth interview, journalists Max Blumenthal and Rob Bryan expose Shmuley Boteach and the Trump connections to Zionists
--FBI demands for internet records are challenged by Google, Facebook and Yahoo
--former CIA officer Sabrina de Souza is about to be extradited to Italy to serve 4-year prison sentence in Abu Omar case