PBC News & Comment: General Bolger Honors Veterans with the Truth

On Veterans Day, empty rhetoric abounds—but Gen. Dan Bolger tells the truth about America’s dirty wars, and the surge….
–at Pando “war nerd” Gary Brecher says the ascendance of Islamic State has stalled
–veteran Chelsea Manning is still denied hormone treatment and other sex change therapies
–shakeup at Veterans Administration is promising
–GOP sets sights on hobbling EPA, approving Keystone
–breaking Ebola-hysteria silence to report there are zero ebola cases in US right now
–as Obama calls on China for restraint, showdown looms in Hong Kong protest
–violence erupts in Mexico over kidnapped students and reports of presidential corruption
–Israel accused of gunning down 5 scientists in Damascus
–Hamas praises stabbing incidents, as Fatah leader blames Israel for tensions in Jerusalem
–nuke negotiations with Iran reach critical stage
–Repo Man goes digital: used car dealers attach GPS and kill switches for easier repossession
–Isabel Allende named to receive Presidential Medal of Freedom