PBC News & Comment: Gaza Ceasefire Collapses, Iron Dome Claims Meet Skeptic

Finger-pointing follows quick end to cease-fire, as MIT Prof. Postol challenges assertions of Iron Dome effectiveness……..
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–Gaza cease-fire collapses, Prof. Juan Cole commments
–MIT’s Ted Postol challenges myth of Iron Dome effectiveness
NY Times slams CIA for spying on Senate, but doesn’t demand Brennan’s ouster
–Jason Leopold on Feinstein’s charges against CIA
–Speaker Boehner struggles to control Tea Party nuts, no action on immigration so far
–Attorney General Holder exposes his hypocrisy as he tries to advance some decent policies
–Florida judge orders new congressional map to counter extreme gerrymandering
–Caltrans muzzled engineers who criticized the obvious defect in construction of $6.5 billion Bay Bridge