PBC News & Comment: On Freedom of Expression, Actions Speak Louder than Words

While governments and media giants pay lip service to free expression, France arrests 54 dissidents, NY Times refuses to run cartoon…..
--as millions of copies of Charlie Hebdo are snapped up, France arrests 54 people, none accused are terrorism suspects
--NY Times public editor tweaks her bosses, says it should publish the new cartoon
--Britain’s Cameron wants to ban texting services like WhatsApp and Snapchat because the government can’t monitor them
--at what point does an American who supports jihad lose his First Amendment rights? Jason Leopold reports at VICE on Samir Khan’s FBI file
--Don Siegelman held incommunicado as Atlanta appeals court hears arguments for a new trial; read the LegalSchnauzer post here.
--Virginia re-elects lawmaker re-elected after conviction for contributing to delinquency of a minor