PBC News & Comment: FCC Nixes Net Neutrality

FCC move gives more power to ISP’s and big distributors who pay tolls for fast lanes; Disney announces Fox acquisition….--lawsuits against the FCC decision are imminent
--Disney buys Murdoch’s Fox studio and cable sports operations for $52 billion
--as Murdoch fights accusations of bribes paid for TV soccer rights
--Robert Parry reports that leaked text messages between FBI officials suggest the Deep State did try to derail Trump’s candidacy
--many trees felled as WashPost drops two megastories based on anonymous sources: one about Trump’s dance on Russian “meddling” and another about Obama’s secret retaliation plans
--DC-area radio station that carries Sputnik programs is required to register as foreign agent
--secret wheeling and dealing by Republicans leads to some changes to corporate tax cut bill, shifting more burden to working families
--top GOP leaders including Speaker Ryan will line their pockets with tax cut benefits they engineered, details here
--in new in-depth interview, attorney Larry Bragman talks about some success with suit to block Dakota Access pipeline
--latest METOO allegations lead Morgan Spurlock to apologize and Tavis Smiley to fight
--Salma Hayek reveals her battles with Harvey Weinstein, and Russell Simmons now has 4 serious accusers
--Kentucky preacher-turn-legislator denied sex assault claim, then killed himself
--survey of employees at Interior Dept. reveals widespread harassment, esp. in National Park Service
--deal is possible for Rohyngas to return to Myanmar, as report gives low estimate of 6,700 killed in August alone
--full legalization of marijuana in California takes effect January 1, but small growers are threatened and local officials are delaying full implementation