PBC News & Comment: FBI Informant in Trump Campaign is Named

While NY Times and WashPost play games, Daily Caller and Intercept identify Stefan Halper as FBI’s informant, Trump demands investigation….--Glenn Greenwald names Stefan Halper, and explains his history as CIA agent turned political operative who was part of Reagan’s dirty 1980 campaign
--Trump tweets demand for FBI investigation, and Rosenstein jumps to assign it to inspector general
--in Sunday front pager, NY Times reveals meeting where Blackwater’s Erik Prince was joined by allies of Saudis, Emiratis and Israelis to plot Trump victory
--before swearing in his now CIA director Gina Haspel, Trump tweeted attacks on predecessor John Brennan for Russiagate, the Dear Tweeter may be right
--freshly “former” CIA director Mike Pompeo launches first rhetorical volley in predictable war with Iran
--National Iranian American Council minces no words in response
--in Venezuela, Maduro claims victory in election with boycott, low turnout
--Senate bill advances to nullify First Amendment, making support for BDS aimed at Israel a felony with penalties of $1 million, 20 years in prison
--Kim Jong-un has rattled Trump, who is reported to be worried about embarrassment if summit fails
--Trump officials offer confusing comments about trade talks with China, but it appears that US tariff threats have been deferred
--respected whistleblower attorney Jessalyn Radack is accused of making false allegations of rape against discredited DC PR guy, Trevor Fitzgibbon
--giving even more power to corporations, Supreme Court upholds arbitration clauses that bar class action lawsuits
--in West Viginia, convicted coal baron Don Blankenship tries third party run, but it may be blocked by “sore loser” law
--after NY Times columnist Nick Kristof champions the case of California death row convict Kevin Cooper, Sen. Kamala Harris supports DNA test she used to oppose