PBC News & Comment: FBI Blunders Again in Texas Shooting

Despite prior FBI surveillance and blunt warning 2 days before, cops failed to intercept Elton Simpson before he started shooting….
--woman linked to Anonymous saw tweets, alerted Garland Police Dept. 2 days before the inciting event
--FBI had informant taped 1,500 hours with Simpson
--in far-fetched claim, IS takes credit for Texas shooting
--as US debates minimal changes to surveillance, France’s lower house approved sweeping new powers with little judicial oversight
--advances in speech-to-text technology—like Siri—allow NSA to search voice recordings, like intercepted phone calls; read about it here
--some good news about America’s Gulag: Canadian Omar Khadr, captured as a child, may be released today in Canada
--and, some bad news:  US citizen fights to sue FBI for brutal detention overseas
--at VICE, Jason Leopold reports that tussle over secrecy between Senator and CIA boss was predictive of showdown over “Panetta review”
--Oregon breaks the NRA blockade, expands background checks to almost all gun sales
GOP’s stretch clown car now includes Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee and Carly Fiorina. Read the Calbuzz takedown on Fiorina here