PBC News & Comment: Electoral College as Credible as Trump University?

Electoral College rubber stamps Trump’s ascension, despite its constitutional mandate to block a demagogue and Trump’s obvious incompetence….--few electors buck the expectation of “faithless electors” intervening
--in part, the “Russian hacking” myth may have been aimed at manipulating electoral college, as former CIA analyst Ray McGovern says
--reporter Joe Lauria, who was fired for trying to expose the lies that led to Iraq war, slams the media for the Russia hack story
--in fake effort at “balance”, NY Times runs Masha Gessen column that accepts the premise of Russian hacking claims, but notes lack of evidence
--Atlanta TV station reports that Homeland Security computers are source of cyberattacks on election offices in Georgia, Kentucky and West Virginia
--Sen. McCain leads bipartisan demand for select committee to investigate the Russian hack claims
--on Friday, FBI joined CIA in supporting the claims, but offered no evidence
--Clinton supporter Willie Brown, former SF mayor, says Clinton lost on her own, regardless of Putin’s role
--NY Times scours the nation, finds only a handful of voter fraud reports
--breaking news: in Turkey’s capital, Russian ambassador is assassinated
in Berlin, truck mows down 9 holiday shoppers
--China defuses potential US confrontation, agrees to return submersible drone found in international waters; Trump tweets “keep it”
--Chinese newspapers—reflecting officials—slam Trump and predict firm reaction from Beijing government
—in Washington Post op-ed, Nathan Hersh opposes BDS for Israel, but supports boycott targeted at West Bank exports
--Campus reports: judicial panel clears judge in Stanford swimmer rape case;
former Stanford professor was pushed out after making sex harassment report
--in Montana, professor responds to being placed on right-wing blacklist
--Vice reveals the massive failure of charter schools and public schools in Detroit, exposing the agenda of Trump’s pick for Education, Betsy DeVos
--Obama grants 78 more pardons, commutes 153 more sentences