PBC News & Comment: The Donald’s Secret Business Deals Create Huge Conflicts

Newsweek investigation shows Trump has partners in China, Russia, Turkey and more, creating deep, permanent conflicts of interest if elected…..--read the Newsweek story here
--as Yahoo gets broken up for sale to Verizon, report that 500 million users were hacked by a “state sponsored actor” in 2014
--Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) and 26 colleagues show a little courage, voting for bill to delay weapons sale to Saudi Arabia and re-evaluate US support
--the same Chris Murphy showed some cowardice, joining 87 colleagues signing Netanyahu letter to Obama defending Israel’s illegal settlements…here’s good analysis from Mondoweiss
--Obama met with Netanyahu at UN, and Joe Lauria reports on Obama’s “curious” final speech
--Russia claims US drone was near UN relief convoy that was attacked Monday near Aleppo, Syria
--in my latest in-depth interview, retired journalist Fernando Faura thinks Sirhan Sirhan killed Robert F. Kennedy as a “Manchurian Candidate” who committed murder under hypnosis
--in Charlotte, authorities refuse to release video of Keith Scott killing by police, raising tensions stoked by TV coverage of protests
--in many police shootings, cops make no effort to give first aid to the victim, like Terence Crutcher in Tulsa
--former GOP Speaker Boehner, who loves cigarettes, Merlot and free trade, cashes in with tobacco industry and China lobby
--activist Kevin Zeese is recruiting Green Party members to escort Jill Stein in crashing presidential debate next Monday
--new polls buoy vulnerable GOP senators, and hope for Dem control fades, as Clinton drags down Dem prospects
--desperate to recruit millenials, Hillary squirms a bit in interview with Zach Galifianakis, watch it here