PBC News & Comment: DC’s Revolving Doors Spin Faster than Ever

Former AG Holder returns to law firm that defends corporate criminals, as Gen. Odierno joins the freedom fighters at Chase bank….
--Holder’s chief of staff follows him to Covington & Burling, details here
--freshly retired Army chief of staff Odierno takes high paying job at Chase Bank less than a week after leaving the government payroll
--former Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman cashes in, running lobby for Saudis, and getting big bucks to undermine Iran deal
Listener alert: Your humble host is taking a 3 week break starting Friday August 28, our new mobile-friendly theme will launch on September 20, requiring reset of RSS feeds.
Details will be announced on September 22, when daily podcasts will resume.
--in our new in-depth interview, former Salt Lake City mayor Rocky Anderson talks about his class action suit against NSA for “cone of surveillance” at 2002 Olympics
--new report exposes Baltimore police use of Stingray cellphone dragnet in hundreds of cases, many are petty crimes
--the “missing” North Korean submarines have started returning to base, crisis my be ending
--in fascinating analysis in The Guardian, Spencer Ackerman notes that only 3 of the remaining 116 Gitmo prisoners were captured by US forces
--Andy Worthington has fresh reports on ObamaCo’s disgraceful moves to hold hunger striker Ba Odah, and British resident Shaker Aamer
--addressing a root cause of injustice in Ferguson, court moves to dismiss warrants for minor violations that put poor people in jail
--Western wildfires rage on, and 70 firefighters fly in from Australia and New Zealand to help out