PBC News & Comment: Corporate Media Delivers the Nomination to Clinton

In premature ejaculation, corporate media declares Hillary Clinton has clinched the nomination, on a day when nobody voted—outrageous coronation…..--AP uses superdelegate poll to call the nomination, on eve of crucial primaries in 6 states, including California
--new analysis confirms charges from election activists Fitrakis, Charnin and others that Dem primaries were fudged
--furtive FBI seeks approval to file secret comments with DC court regarding VICE lawsuit over Clinton email issues
--Speaker Ryan squirms as he disavows Trump’s racist attacks on judge in Trump U case, but still supports Trump
--you can watch your humble host's first Newsbud Report video here
--Jeremy Scahill’s new book, based on a source inside the drone programs, reveals that up to 90 of people killed were not targets
--FBI is increasing its already troublesome us of paid informants in IS “sting” operations, reports the NY Times
--Snowden responds to VICE report that NSA lied about his attempts to report concerns to superiors
--in pincer moves, US-backed and Russian-backed forces attack IS HQ in Raqqa, Syria
--Brazil’s impeachment carnival continues, as acting president loses cronies who blabbed about blocking Car Wash probe
--Stanford rape case draws national outrage