PBC News & Comment: Conservatives Howl “Betrayed” Over Ryan Budget Deal

Sprawling “Christmas tree” budget bill of new Speaker Paul Ryan is notable for what’s not included: like Planned Parenthood cuts….--wheeling and dealing ended ban on crude oil exports, but extended wind and solar credits and blocked riders that Republicans had been willing to shut down government over
--in San Bernardino, Enrique Marquez will be charged for buying semi-automatic rifles allegedly used in Dec 2 shooting spree
--as FBI director contradicts NY Times report about old Facebook posts about jihad by Farook and Malik, Mother Jones names the reporters who wrote the false story
--The Daily Mail reports firing of Florida college professor who taugh about conspiracy theory, for challenging narrative of Sandy Hook events
--NY Times investigation says Navy Seals beat Afghan to death, and covered it up
--at Counterpunch, Pepe Escobar says Russia’s entry into the Syrian war shatters the Pentagon dream of “full spectrum dominance”
--with Russian support, Syrian Army is recovering lost ground
--Saudi Arabia’s announced 34-nation coalition of Islamic countries against Daesh fizzles as Pakistan, Lebanon and Malaysia were “surprised” and hadn’t been consulted
--The Daily Mail reports that Israeli commandos sneak over the Syrain border at night, and rescue injured IS fighters
--after recently securing unofficial title of most despised American, financiopath Martin Shkreli is arrested, charged with fraud
--billionaire Warren Buffet endorses Hillary Clinton
--Bernie Sanders tops 2 million donors, gets major union endorsement
--in Texas, a losing candidate mounts important challenge to election fraud
--in Baltimore, first trial of cop accused in death of Freddie Gray ends in mistrial