PBC News & Comment: Conman Trump Slams Leaks, Media While Ducking Questions About Russia Contacts

In rambling press conference, Trump asserts White House is running like “fine-tuned machine”, hammers media, leakers and fake news….--Trump laid out his alt-reality in animated, bizarre exchanges with reporters, who caught him lying about election results and dodging questions about contacts with Russians; he says “chaos and turmoil” are at appeals court
--Dems demand transcripts of leaked Flynn phone call intercepts
--in our new in-depth interview, journalist Robert Parry notes the lack of evidence for all the claims about Russia and interference, and says it’s no joke
--Guardian reports that Trump’s “well-tuned” machine at White House is ignoring State Dept and its new boss, Rex Tillerson
--Trump may name his billionaire buddy Stephen Feinberg to lead review of intelligence agencies
--seeking confirmation as ambassador to Israel, Trump’s bankruptcy lawyer David Friedman apologizes for smearing liberal Jews
--top aide to Ben Carson, one of few blacks in administration, is fired and frog-marched out of HUD after discovery of his criticism of Trump
--nationwide, thousands of immigrants took the day off to highlight their importance to the economy, inspired by 2004 documentary, A Day Without a Mexican…watch the trailer here
--in El Paso, an undocumented woman who had just obtained a domestic violence restraining order was arrested by ICE, perhaps tipped by her abuser
--corporate prison operators are sued for illegally recording and sharing attorney phone calls with prosecutors
--in South Carolina, 74% of Boeing workers rejected Machinists union
--IS claims responsibility for suicide attack in Pakistan, killing 70 people, and car bomb attack in Baghdad, killing at least 52
--Bill Maher gives nasty response to Jeremy Scahill’s decision not to appear on this week’s show, which will include Milo Yiannopoulos
--NYC listener Kathleen Lowy asks about US troops at Trump Tower…does it violate Posse Comitatus? Wikipedia info is here