PBC News & Comment: Clinton Dynasty Dispatched by SuperTurd

Clinton and establishment Democrats risked America’s future by running a candidate with obvious liabilities, in risky bet on “not Trump”….--unlike Trump, your humble host takes no pleasure in sounding the alarm about this looming disaster foisted on us by Dems in Denial
--this Kardashian revolution was enabled by the media that created Trump with “The Apprentice” and tons of free TV time, and then spun shamelessly for Clinton
--Trump goes classy in victory speech, Clinton and Obama follow suit
--corporate media analysts blame economy, trust and weak message, and fail to note the carefully orchestrated GOP voter suppression schemes
--in Ohio, I witnessed voters who waited 3 hours to cast a ballot
--pollsters blew it bigtime, overlooking closeted Trump voters and the suppression tactics
--Trump’s policy-free campaign leaves us all guessing about what he will actually do
--with Chris Christie heading transition team, bullies, lobbyists and “wrecking crew” will find jobs in the new administration
--Thomas Frank wrote a book called “Wrecking Crew” and he has a brilliant analysis of the Clinton loss
--Ben Tarnoff offers some good takes on the “historic” Trump victory and defines “Trumpism”
--Democrats tanked in effort to retake the Senate, and the House remains in GOP control
--to ease our pain, California, Nevada and Massachusetts legalize recreational cannabis, and medical marijuana is OK’d in Florida, North Dakota and Arkansas
--voters near Phoenix eject Neanderthal sheriff Joe Arpaio
--Obama says he is closely monitoring Standing Rock protest, and Corps of Engineers is exploring alternate routes
--in unusual paid political ad, “Republican Women’s Club” slams militarized response at Standing Rock