PBC News & Comment: Clinton’s Coverup of Health Issues is Deplorable

Clinton’s comment about Trump’s “basket of deplorables” is accurate, but unhelpful; denial of health problems feeds perceptions of honesty, trust deficits….--video depicts symptoms of serious illness, and late announcement of pneumonia is another self-inflicted wound
--Trump will share his medical details on TV Thursday with Dr. Oz
--columnist Charles Blow details the stats that show Clinton understated her “basket” remark
--Truthers gather in New York to challenge the official narrative, as Vice reports with maximum snark
--Green Party candidate Jill Stein calls for new investigation of 9/11
--Stein faces arrest in North Dakota, as ObamaCo moves to delay pipeline construction, announced late on Friday afternoon
--also late Friday, Kerry and Lavrov announced new cease-fire plan for Syria, which was broken an hour after it went into effect
--this podcast is available on YouTube, with our handy new URL
--in our latest in-depth interview, veteran and historian Andrew Bacevich covers the long arc of American war in the mideast; in this excerpt, he asks why presidential candidates aren't asked about peace
--courageous journalist Roger Shuler needs your financial help, you can donate here
--The Guardian’s series on battle over Senate’s CIA torture report, reveals that Obama and Kerry pressured Feinstein to bury it, and she refused
--NSA expert James Bamford pens detailed indictment of Obama for “the most intrusive surveillance apparatus in the world
--at The Intercept, Sam Biddle shares details from the user manuals for Stingray cellphone surveillance systems
--Chelsea Manning launches hunger strike in protest of conditions and lack of treatment for gender dysphoria
--25 feminists urge Gov. Jerry Brown to veto minimum mandatory sentence bill in response to Stanford swimmer sex assault case