PBC News & Comment: Beware of Celebrity Strongman Candidates

California’s dark days under Arnold Schwarzenegger show what can happen when angry, anti-government voters rally behind celebrity, strongman candidates…..--Trump’s bizarre victory rally/news conference, with bully Chris Christie standing behind him, offer scary glimpse of “President Trump”
--Cruz and Rubio hang on, almost ensuring Trump nomination
--NY Times editorial slams Trump as “shady, bombastic liar”
--as expected Clinton dominated Dem contests on Super Tuesday, and number crunchers say Sanders' path to nomination is nearly blocked
--but---shockingly—Ann Coulter points out that Bernie won all the swing states, Hillary won red states she can’t hold in November
--op-ed from Clinton supporter Maria Cardona says Sanders should stay in the race
--8-member Supreme Court heard oral arguments on Texas TRAP law restricting abortion access, all eyes on Justice Kennedy
--FBI Director Comey admits that FBI created the problem with the iPhone he demands that Apple crack open
--Senate committee approves misleading Monsanto-backed bill that would impose national ban on GMO labeling, overriding state laws
--declassified papers from Abbottobad show that bin Laden supported Obama on climate change
--American Reform rabbis get hostile treatment in Israel from Orthodox Jews