PBC News & Comment: Beltway Disconnect: US Will End Use of Corporate-owned Prisons for Americans, But Not Immigrants

Justice Dept. will end contracts with private prisons, as $1 billion sweetheart deal with CCA to imprison immigrants is exposed….--4 days ago, Washington Post exposed CCA’s cushy billion-dollar contract to run immigrant prisons; today, it reports Justice Dept. will end use of private prisons
--did White House advisor help Google wriggle out of antitrust action? Read about it here
--UN finally admits some responsibility for introducing cholera to Haiti via peacekeepers in 2011, vindication for our interview guest, Ralph Frerichs, that podcast is here
--CNN gave Green Party candidates an hour last night, and let them speak, here's a highlight clip
--corporate Democrat Ed Rendell, a big Clinton supporter, says Clinton Foundation should be disbanded if Hillary is elected
--America is embarrassed at Rio Olympics by false claim of swimmers, including gold medalist Ryan Lochte, that they were robbed by men posing as cops
--native Americans protest Dakota Access pipeline that runs close to tribal lands
--commentary in The Independent notes that Obama has one last chance to close Gitmo, with the new Congress in January
Some thoughtful reading for thoughtful listeners:
--in NY Times, Linda Greenhouse comments on court rulings that challenge the dishonest intentions of the legislators who write bad laws
--at Consortium News, Robert Parry calls out hypocritical journalists
--Yale law interns offer valid criticism of government watch lists
--new wildfire roars over tinder-dry Southern California