PBC News & Comment: The Bay Area’s Bad Cops

Federal judge slams San Francisco cop who lied under oath, contradicted by video; deceased Oakland accused of murder, sex w/minor…..--read the Oakland cop crime story here
--FBI releases fresh crime stats, FBI director blames increases on citizen videos that hamper law enforcement
--big setback for Obamacare, as judge rules in favor of GOP House lawsuit claiming Congress did not approve some subsidies
--Obama administration issues order on transgender bathroom access, drawing rightwing cries of “dictatorship”
--Obama continues pattern of deportations, planning to eject Central American mothers and children in month-long sweep
--Libertarian former judge, Andrew Napolitano, takes a critical look at the Clinton email investigation
--GOP attack dog Peter Schweizer debuts film based on his book about Clinton Foundation, aimed at Sanders supporters
--Declassified documents from 9/11 Commission are said to duplicate “28 pages” on Saudi role in 9/11, reports The Guardian
--Syrian war rages on, with 12,000 trapped in refugee camp with no escape routes
--Shell says Gulf of Mexico oil leak is capped, after 90,000 gallons of crude oil leaked
--spoilers used fake bids to derail George Zimmerman’s auction of the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin
--listener Mike Lamb reminds us that May 14 is 46th anniversary of shooting of war protesters at Jackson State; check out Steve Miller’s Jackson Kent Blues here