PBC News & Comment: Bad Week in Washington for Progressive Issues

Some serious setbacks in Washington this week on surveillance reform, a bad judicial nomination, attempt to fix NDAA detention clause….Click here for free audiobook download from Audible, and earn $15 for the PBC Podcast!
–who watered down the NSA “reform” bill?
–Senate on path to confirm Kill-at-will memo author David Barron
–effort to revoke NDAA detention clause fails
–judge reluctantly allows force feeding of Guantanamo prisoner
–IRS delays new rules on political nonprofits
–GOP hopes Benghazi will be bigger summer blockbuster than Godzilla
–Jo Becker talks about her book on the fight to overturn Prop 8
–WikiLeaks defies Greenwald, names Afghanistan as second “full take” nation
–Pentagon chief Hagel asks midshipmen to help fix sex assault crisis
–Oakland probes ex-cop on disability, now FBI agent who killed Todashev
–within a week, elections in Ukraine, Egypt and Colombia