PBC News & Comment: Back to School With Cocks, Not Glocks

Creative protesters at UT Austin open carry sex toys to ridicule concealed carry of guns on campus, legal this year…..--in risky move, Texas lawmakers legalize concealed weapons on campus
--in Baltimore, Big Brother is watching, every day; ACLU statement is here
--outrage builds over obscene price hikes for life-saving EpiPen by company run by daughter of Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV)
--same news, different views from NY Times  and Guardian on Dems’ prospects of retaking the Senate
--in new in-depth interview, Greg Palast talks about his new movie, and the search for fraudulent double voters the GOP talks about, and he offers free tickets to my Bay Area listeners
--Philadelphia columnist Will Bunch and Glenn Greenwald offer cogent commentary on Clinton Foundation scandal
--Bernie Sanders unveiled Our Revolution last night, and Norman Solomon puts it into context
--NY Times reports on self-serving Israeli military “investigation” of 2014 Gaza war incidents
--Native Americans hoping for delay in Dakota Access pipeline plan
--Israeli think tank doesn’t want Islamic State defeated, because “it’s a useful tool against Iran, Syria