PBC News & Comment: Are Media to Blame for Rise of Trump?

Corporate media execs—more than journalists—are responsible for free, fawning coverage of Trump where facts don’t matter…..--Nick Kristof wrote his mea culpa in the Sunday NY Times
--Mona Chalabi has mixed views, in this Guardian op-ed
--Trump revokes his pledge to support another GOP candidate, says he would criminalize abortion
--in strong op-ed, Sara Morrison talks back to Obama on his call for reporters to hold Trump accountable
--in strong editorial, NY Times slams Obama for being “vague and disingenuous” about escalation in Iraq, Syria
--Sen. Leahy asks State Dept. to investigate Egyptian and Israeli human rights violations like extrajudicial killing last week
--Kerry rebuffs plea from father of MH-17 victim to release satellite coverage of airliner shot down over Ukraine, reports Robert Parry
--Sanders camp debates Clinton camp over plan to debate in New York, Clinton official condescends like a teacher to student
--FDA eases rules for use of abortion pill, welcome relief in TRAP states like Texas
--new ProPublica report shows that prosecutors are rarely held to account for errors and misconduct
--lawyer for the late “DC Madam” is determined to release her phone records, saying a presidential candidate is involved