PBC News & Comment: American Corporations Don’t Pay Their Fair Share of Taxes, Again

While corporate tax rate is nominally 35%,  average is 19% and many big corporations pay no tax,  even get refunds!….Click here for free audiobook download from Audible, and generate $15 for the PBC Podcast!
–Supreme Court OKs no-warrant search where second occupant consented under pressure
–GOP’s Sensenbrenner fights to end all metadata collection on Americans
–Rachel Maddow does great segment on FBI and Todashev killing
–“downsized” Pentagon wants $4.5 billion more for failed missile defense
–Mt. Gox CEO speaks about bitcoin crisis
–Water near Vancouver tests positive for Fukushima Cesium 134
–PBS science reporter Miles O’Brien had arm amputated in Asia
–Putin conducts exercises on Ukraine border
–82% of Dems polled want Hillary to run in 2016