PBC News & Comment: American Cops Out of Control

As the cop who killed Walter Scott is indicted, cop in Dallas suburb goes out of control, online video shows…
--Sen. Boxer introduces bill to require data collection of shootings by police
--HBO’s John Oliver highlights abuses of poor Americans who can’t make bail on minor, frivolous charges as 22-year-old Bronx man kills himself following 3 years uncharged at Rikers
--California state Judicial Council bans bail requirement to challenge traffic tickets, which has led to millions of suspended licenses
--FBI surveillance of possible Keyston protesters leads to ongoing harassment even though investigation was “closed”
--Lengthy investigative report in Sunday NY Times details the transition of Seal Team 6 to assassination squad
--US claims that Delta Force commando raid in Syria grabbed critical intel on IS
--oops, US warplanes strike Iraqi army base in Fallujah, killing 6
--voters in Turkey reject Erdogan’s power expansion in parliamentary voting
----NY Times, goes deeper on Hastert’s lobbying, need for a cash, but still omits Turkey connections
--American reporter Jason Rezaian gets another court hearing in Tehran
--US Supreme Court backs Obama on Israeli passport issue