PBC News & Comment: American Black Activists Support Palestinians and BDS

1,000+ US civil rights activists sign statement supporting Palestinian cause and Boycott, Divestment Sanctions against Israel, blacks treated “like Gaza”…
--in Spain, BDS activists pressured peace concert organizers to cancel performance by Jewish American, but Matisyahu is re-invited after counter protest
--Doctors say Palestinian hunger striker has brain damage, lawyers press for his release from uncharged “administrative detention”
--Haaretz writer Bradley Burston reluctantly admits that Israeli policies amount to apartheid in this powerful column
--campaigning for the US presidency in Israel, Rev. Mike Huckabee blunders, holding fundraiser in illegal Jewish settlement
--in Albany, NY, trial of KKK member is underway, accused of offering to “help Jews get rid of their enemies”; lawyer says he was set up by FBI
--NY Times editorial blasts continued military aid to Egypt despite obvious human rights abuses
--in Yemen, Houthi rebels ambush government troops, contradicting prediction that they would soon be defeated
--Chelsea Manning is disciplined for trumped-up infractions, avoids solitary but loses chance to move to minimum security next year
--hackers release data on would-be philanderers who used Ashley Madison site
--Hillary openly disagrees with Obama about Arctic drilling
--EPA announces plan to cut methane released by fracking and other oil & gas extraction
--state investigations of Planned Parenthood show no wrongdoing with fetal tissues, but some of those states try to cut off funding to Planned Parenthood anyway
--FDA approves “female Viagra” drug with brand name Addyi, but expert at Public Citizen predicts it will be taken off the market due to side effects