PBC News & Comment: Alabama Supreme Court Defies Reality, and the Inevitable

Christian radicals on Alabama Supreme Court hunker down, issue new ban on same sex marriage in defiance of federal courts…
--Netanyahu’s grandstanding may lead to breakthrough in talks with Iran, and might cost him re-election
--Putin allies blame US for murder of Nemtsov, no proof offered
--Pentagon stats show a small number of men released from Guantanamo “returned to the fight”—and that’s defined very broadly, Jason Leopold reports
--former CIA analyst Mel Goodman rebuts David Cole’s recent op-ed defending CIA torture
--new report shows Obama White House balked at bomb train safety measures
--US oil glut reaches highest level in 80 years, but retail gas prices in California have shot back up to $3.50
--at TomDispatch, Pratap Chatterjee reports that US drone pilots are quitting in record numbers, some due to a new kind of remote combat stress --GOP’s Benghazi-obsessed Trey Gowdy aims for Hillary’s emails
--still-Attorney General Holder announces no federal charges for Michael Brown’s killer, Darren Wilson while finding long-term bias in Ferguson police department
--Brown’s family announces wrongful death lawsuit
--jazz producer Orrin Keepnews dies at age 91