PBC News & Comment: After Revelations of NSA Snooping, 90% of Corporations Re-think Cloud Computing

As Joni Mitchell sings of clouds, we report that 90% of corporate IT geeks are steering away from cloud storage…..Click here for free audiobook download from Audible, and earn $15 for the PBC Podcast!
–NSA spying compromises cloud computing, 90% of corporations shift to more secure storage
–Pando’s Yasha Levine continues to expose Google’s cozy dealings with government, military/security contractors, and mercenaries
–GOP tags Obama as “imperial president”, mostly for the wrong reasons;  John Bolton sends PBC hysterical email
–new leaks from Senate torture “review” confirms that torture did not lead to bin Laden’s courier
–GOP voter suppression tactics will limit voting this year
–more details emerge about Apple-Google scheme to control employment, Facebook would not join the cabal
–GM and NTSB ignored deaths caused by faulty ignitions
–UN climate panel issues its 5th report, with more confirmation of what the climate deniers deny
–in NY Times op-ed, Timothy Egan explains that massive mudslide in Washington state was caused by logging
–Kerry, Lavrov make no agreement on Ukraine at Paris meeting
–North and South Korea trade artillery fire
–Hobie Alter, inventor of the Hobie Cat, dies at 80