PBC News & Comment: 50 North Korean Submarines Deployed

Despite report of defused tensions over border loudspeakers, North Korea deploys 50 submarines that “disappeared” from South Korean radar…
Listener alert: Your humble host is taking a 3 week break starting Friday 8.28.15, our new mobile-friendly theme will launch on September 20, requiring reset of RSS feeds.
Details will be announced on September 22, when daily podcasts will resume.
--NSA Whistleblowers sue NSA, FBI and others for illegal retaliation, read the filing here
--America’s “ally” Turkey is using barbaric, Islamic State tactics in its war with Turkish Kurds, as dead female PKK fighter is dragged nude through streets
--US claims top-ranking IS official has been killed, second time since last December
--heroic Americans from N. California subdued gunman on French train Friday are awarded Legion of Honor, authorities want to call it terrorism event
--on the Mediterranean, 4,400 boat people rescued just on Saturday
--in shocking change of course, FBI investigation of FBI agent may lead to agent’s termination for firing on unarmed car burglar
--federal judge orders Obama to change immigration detention policies, and quickly release children and parents detained since last year
--immigration lawyers complain of being banned from Texas prison for representing their clients
--Trump draws 20-30,000 at Alabama rally, connecting with the legacy of George Wallace
--Alabama is far and away the state with the most users of infidelity website Ashley Madison
--two suicides reported in Toronto of exposed Ashley Madison users
--pro-birth extremists build momentum with new Ohio bill to ban abortions of fetuses diagnosed with Down Syndrome, clearly unconstitutional
--new report on Great Pacific Garbage Patch is alarming, as 21-year-old Dutch man is crowdsourcing a cleanup effort
--news by calendar: 1 year since Napa earthquake, 10 years since Hurricane Katrina, 25 years since death of Stevie Ray Vaughan. Our listener Jeffrey Zaiser posted this tribute to Stevie adding visuals to a recoding from Stevie’s final concert.