The Paris False Flag Attacks: Ken O'Keefe Exposes The Paris Attacks Hoax!

First, again my apologies to those who have wanted to comment here legitimately under the  "anonymous" moniker and are now blocked from doing so... This site has come under increasing attacks by many nefarious individuals and of course my "greatest fan club" meaning those in the JIDF/Hasbara community.... It does appear that I have pissed off some groups with my truthful stance about the Paris attacks being a fraud and nothing more than another operation by the true criminals on our planet, meaning our own governments and of course the compliant Jew spew media.....For this article, I want to present another great work courtesy of Youtube user: "RedsilverJ".... This one contains a recent interview with former US Marine, Ken O'Keefe, who for the longest time has been in this fight against the criminal tyranny of the US Government and of course the psychotic state of Israel... This is a must see video that basically tells the truth about the Paris fraud "terrorist" attacks and exactly who is behind the sham.... I have it right here and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  I must again applaud Ken O'Keefe for telling it exactly like it is.....Lets face the facts right here... The entire "war on terror" has always been a sham and a fraud... It has been conducted by the criminals in our own governments to strike fear into the gullible minds of the general public and to get that gullible public to support them while they attack and slaughter innocent people in innocent nations.....Yes, the Paris "terrorist" attacks are a sham... And of course "ISIS" itself is indeed a fraudulent "terrorist" group... All that anyone with any intelligence has to do is to research for themselves and they quickly discover that "ISIS" is indeed the creation of the US CIA and the Israeli Mossad for the purpose of destroying Middle Eastern nations for the ultimate sick goal of Israel's "Greater Israel" project...Syria has for the longest time been in the cross hairs of the United States and Israel and has for the longest time been slated for destruction....This is why the entire war for the "removal of ISIS" is nothing more than a sham and a fraud..... Wake up, everyone!More to comeNTS