The Paris False Flag Attacks: Jewish Citizens Living In Paris Were Informed Of The Attacks BEFORE They Took Place!

Again, I have been under increasing attacks by certain "commentators" that are spewing their trash and insults and trying to flood my comment section with their usual antics... It does seem that I and others have definitely struck a nerve and are on the absolute right track in calling the "attacks" in Paris frauds and a false flag event...Well, just to piss off those Hasbara/JIDF agents even further, I want to present a most revealing article that comes right from the psychotic state of Israel itself... For according to the following article from the Times Of Israel website at, it appears that the Jewish community in Paris was alerted HOURS before these 'attacks' of an impending "terrorist attack" !   I first want everyone to see that article, through the link right here for themselves, and I do have my usual thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes: Read it and weep... The Jews in Paris and obviously the Mossad were well aware BEFORE these attacks that they were "coming"... The real sad part, if you want to call it that, is that they never bothered to notify the French police, or the French government, or even the French people, that they knew these attacks were coming!  But what the hell when the victims are nothing but "cattle" to them, right?OK, it all makes sense now... Yes, the attacks in Paris were indeed a set up, and when they first happened I smelled a rat meaning the Mossad involved in the operation... .This article cinches it and confirms that it was indeed a set up!  How else, if anyone can explain otherwise, could they have alerted their "chosen ones" in Paris that an attack was coming, unless they were fully involved!The bottom line is that just as other fraud "terrorist" attacks in the past, the big question always has to be asked...WHO BENEFITS?.... From what I am watching, I would say that Israel has the most to gain by having nations go to war to have Muslims and the innocent nation of Syria destroyed...More to comeNTS