The Paris False Flag Attacks: Absolutely Must See Video Destroys Fake Paris Attacks, ISIS, And Exposes The "New World Order"!

I had originally wanted to take today as a "no blogging" day due to other commitments... However, the troubles we see world wide are only escalating and I and others in the real truth movement are now fighting against time itself in trying to awaken people to the real dangers we face....Someone sent me the following video, and after watching it, I too was blown away.... Although many have probably already seen this video and the messages it contains, I too want to add it here to this blog for all of my own readers who have not seen it yet... It is entitled: "Political Author Gearold O Colmain Discusses The Paris Attacks With RT (Russia Today)" and is probably one of the best videos that I have seen in a while that absolutely tells the truth about the sick world we live in.... I have it right here and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  One word... WOW!.... It is so surprising that Russia Today which many do 'suspect' as being controlled like the rest of the Jew Spew Media would allow this important author the floor to basically rip into the frauds of ISIS, the fraud terrorist attacks in Paris, and even the criminal elite that want to create their "New world Order" (which in reality is the Jew World Order)......I truly want everyone to take this video and pass it around for everyone to see and hear... The message again is very important and it helps reinforce the importance of the fight that I and others have been doing for years now....And about the Paris "terrorist" attacks?  More and more information continues to come out that shows that fraud in all of its glory.... I will be doing my best in presenting new material about that fraud shortly, so stay tuned..More to comeNTS