The Paris Conference On "Climate Change" Is A Sham: Global Warming HOAX Unravels- Globalist Science Fraud Engineered To Control Humanity, Not To Save It!

For years now I have been presenting articles here that show the absolute proof that man caused "Global Warming" or as the scam artists behind the hoax like to call it now "Climate Change" is a massive swindle and a sham.... The perpetrators behind the hoax are in it for nothing more than MONEY through the scam of "carbon taxation"... And of course the so called Jewish "elite" that control this planet have been using the fear propaganda generated by this hoax to push their "new world order" agenda in pursuit of their sick and twisted dream of a "one world government"....Right now, I want to present a most interesting article from Mike Adams, aka the "Health Ranger" who is the editor of the Natural News website at This article is entitled: "Global Warming HOAX Unravels... Globalist Science Fraud Engineered To Control Humanity, Not To Save It" and is the latest in a long list of must see articles by Mike that clearly exposes the lie of "Global Warming" for everyone to see... I have the link to that Natural News article right here, and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  It truly boggles the mind that so many people are still caught up in this fraud... I personally have seen in my daily interaction with the sheep out there that so many still firmly believe in the lies that the Jew spew media and of course our criminal governments continue to perpetuate about this scam.... Yes, the brainwashing, like in so many cases, is that intense....Yes, our governments are so hell bent in passing the fraud of Carbon "cap and trade" at that Paris conference COP21 (again notice the "21" in the name..Shades of "Agenda 21"...)  and will have their citizens fleeced by the fraud of carbon taxes.... It is a travesty and sadly so many people are too gullible to actually try to stop it from happening!And yes, the scam artists behind the fraud will get ultra rich from the swindle of "Climate Change".. I must again point out that the leader of these con artists, Al Gore himself, will become a billionaire from the "carbon tax" legislation in America alone due to his ownership of majority shares in the only companies in America that are capable of counting Carbon credits!   Yes, this man has always been in it only for the money and his own personal greed......The bottom line again is that too many people have been suckered in and brainwashed by the lie that we must protect our planet from ourselves in the scam of "Climate Change"... It is again time for people to wake the hell up and put an end to this con...More to comeNTS