Parents Can Trust Kids to Teach Themselves

Good News: Great parenting is much easier and more fun than most people think, even if you homeschool: in fact, especially if you homeschool.
You don’t need to be an expert, whether in education or any given subject matter, for your child to learn. You don’t need to be a taskmaster for your child to become self-disciplined and successful. And you don’t need to regularly rebuke your children over their behavior for them to learn good manners and grow up to become decent, moral people.
You can relieve yourself (and your child) of these onerous burdens, because kids teach themselves.
This is the fundamental insight underlying Self-Directed Education, a burgeoning movement and philosophy that has grown out of ideas associated with homeschooling, unschooling, peaceful parenting, Montessori education, and other child-centered approaches.
