Ottawa Softens Anti-Corruption Rules for Companies Seeking Government Work

This rule change makes clear the rampant corruption in the corporate world & the Canadian government's willingness to go along with that corruption rather then enforcing anti-corruption rules in place to disqualify criminal companies. It also makes clear that forcibly extracted taxes will be used to pay corrupt companies in the employ of the Canadian government? Is this how the government looks out for the taxpayer? Apparently so!So while companies catch a break for their criminal ways the government continues to jail people for petty crimes. Do you notice the hypocrisy? The double standards?  And we Canadians are supposed to recognize government as a respected and legitimate authority? Crony Capitalism-  

MONTREAL - Ottawa has softened its anti-corruption rules, reducing the penalties for companies that are seeking government work after being convicted of bribery, money laundering and other offences.

Under the new procurement rules announced Friday, companies can still be barred from government contracts for 10 years if they have been convicted of such offences in the past three years.But that ban can be cut in half if the company co-operates with authorities and takes remedial action.

Also, suppliers will no longer be automatically ineligible for government work because of the conduct of affiliates unless it can be demonstrated that the supplier had control over the convicted affiliate.

Canada's business lobby has been urging Ottawa to make changes to procurement rules it labelled as "draconian."

Gee, those rules don't sound draconian to me? If an ordinary citizen engaged in these criminal practices and even lesser ones they would be slapped down hard! The Harper regime is very tough on crime, for the lone citizen in Canada. When it comes to business/corporate crimes the Canadian government's duplicity is on full display!