Ottawa Parliament Hill False Flag Shooting: BOMBSHELL! - RCMP Forces At Parliament Hill And In Place BEFORE Shooter Arrives

It is surprising that now a full 5 days after the "shooting" on Parliament Hill in Ottawa Ontario Canada that the Jew spew media up here in Jewish occupied Canada is still going hog wild with reports about that shooting and the alleged "Muslim Extremist ISIS Supporting" gunman..... I find it disturbing that the Jew spew media and all media outlets, especially the Talmudvision, continues to ram this constant message into Canadian brains that our country is now "under attack" by the FRAUD "ISIS" group, and that we as Canadians must now support the criminal Harper regime in their fraud war on terror....I always knew there was something wrong with the shooting on Parliament Hill last Wednesday, October 22nd, at approximately 955am in the morning EDT..... There are just too many holes in the "official" report and I and others have smelled a rat from the very beginning....Well, brace yourselves, for here comes some definitive proof that this "shooting" was a set up from the word go... For according to the following very important report that comes from the Max Resistance website, at, apparently the RCMP was ALREADY IN PLACE a full 15-20 minutes before the shooter arrived at Parliament Hill.... First, here is the link to that Max Resistance report, that I want everyone to read fully... I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes:  What we have here, readers, is the smoking gun that shows that this shooting was indeed a set up.... There can be no excuse for the amount of RCMP personnel on the scene before the shooter even arrives on the scene other than to be in place for the operation that was about to unfold...All we have to do is look at the pictures taken by the Parliament Legislative Assistance at the link above to see that something was definitely up... There can be no other logical conclusion...I have long said that the criminal Harper regime would be working nefariously in a drawn up plan to not only commit Canada to the fraud war on the fraud group "ISIS", but they would also be planning such an operation to use the propaganda of fear to have Canadians surrender some of their freedoms for the illusion of security... Apparently the operation of October 22nd on Parliament Hill was part of the plan!Pass this important information around for everyone to see for themselves... We are all being led astray by evil criminal governments that absolutely want to suppress our freedoms... They must be stopped or we will all be soon put into permanent tyranny...More to comeNTS