The Orlando False Flag Shooting: Even More Updates, And Why I Am Leaning On This Being A Massive Sandy Hook Style Hoax

I have been busy most of the day, and only now am able to finally get down to looking at this Orlando "shooting" closely... I want to thank so many commentators that have come forward with their takes on this incident... Many are also in the same belief as I am, in that this thing stinks to high heaven...First and foremost, I want to present a most excellent article that comes from a fellow real truth seeker, Jody, who of course writes the blog: "What They Don't Tell You" at Her article is entitled: "Orlando Mass Shooting: This Is Just Ridiculous" and is a must read by everyone.. I have it right here, and of course my further thoughts to follow:

MONDAY, JUNE 13, 2016

Orlando mass shooting: this is just ridiculous.

A full day after the time of the Orlando shooting I heard a talking head say: "It will take days for police to identify all the victims."Excuse me, these guys were in a nightclub. One of the prerequisites of being in a nightclub is that you have a valid ID saying you're older than 21. (Non-Americans might not understand how seriously Americans enforce this law. I'm over forty years old and I still get "carded.") Victims weren't blown up. They weren't incinerated. They were supposedly shot by a guy who managed to waltz past security with 2 deadly firearms and some sort of suspicious device. I imagine I wouldn't be able to get past the bouncer at a gay bar due to fashion alone.Look, people. All nightclubs, especially trendy gay nightclubs in Orlando, have security ... and I imagine they would have been particularly on their toes around closing time. How is it possible for one guy to get in and shoot up a hundred people without a machine gun? He would have to reload, am I wrong? What, no one was brave enough (or drunk enough) to try to take him out while he was changing magazines? Couldn't they just run away?And I guess they weren't taking pictures of their hot dates on what was most likely their vacation, because all I saw on the news yesterday was all I ever see at these hoax shootings. Flashing red and blue lights and a bunch of dumb-ass crisis actors being loaded into pickup trucks. No, I'm not buying it, and neither should you.*** UPDATE ***Here's a new video from Red Silver J about one of the crisis actors used in this particular event. Be sure to watch until the very end, it shows you one of her audition vids. The next video shows a witness to the shooting is definitely an actor.POSTED BY JODY PAULSON AT 6:34 AM NTS Note:  I do want to thank Jody for being the critical thinker she is and for pointing out some amazing facts that everyone should be aware of and asking serious questions about....I have been leaning over the last few days in the direction of this being a massive and most elaborate hoax much like the fraud Sandy Hook "shooting" of well over three years ago was in Connecticut.... I have some serious major issues with this entire "shooting" that I want to lay out right here"(1) WHERE in the hell are the EMT's, Ambulances, and even "first responders" that should have arrived right after this "shooting" and the subsequent "9-11" calls were most expectedly made?  I have looked at the videos and the aftermath, and there is not a single ambulance anywhere to be seen... Does no one else find this not only suspicious and most unlikely if this was a REAL shooting and a mass casualty event?   This is so shocking and shows that something is seriously amiss here...(2) WHERE in the hell is the blood?  Honestly and this is common sense here... The human body does contain some 5 litres of blood, and with "50 people dead" and some "53 injured" there would be an enormous amount of blood on not only the victims who are dead, but the people going in to be at the aid of the survivors and those who are injured... There would be blood everywhere and everyone that comes out of that nightclub would be covered with blood....And yet we find NO blood anywhere in the videos on the people who were in the nightclub and then came out to be interviewed by the media?  Astounding is putting it mildly....(3) I have been looking at the videos also of the people that were indeed interviewed after this incident, and what I see is much the same as what we have witnessed in previous mass shooting events.. CRISIS ACTORS, and as usual many as piss poor as the previous ones in previous events.... Honestly, if they are going to hire these people to play their parts, you figure that after so many previous failures, they would finally get it right?  Well, guess what... These crisis actors have failed again and are as bad as their previous counterparts...And of course the usage of piss poor crisis actors automatically points to a staged event, and the strong possibility that this "mass shooting" is as phoney as the previous ones..... Again, I am leaning heavily on this being another fraud "Sandy Hook" event, and everything that I have seen so far points squarely in that direction....As more evidence of the fraud unfolds, I will bring that here for everyone to see for themselves... Again this entire episode stinks to high heaven, and we may indeed be witnessing another very elaborate hoax....  And if it is, I hope the American people will have finally had enough and take their own criminals in their own government to task for creating this fraud...More to comeNTS*One update to consider:  There is strong evidence that the "shooter" this "Omar Mateen" was actually a REGULAR at this gay nightclub in Orlando!   Here is the link to that report here: this does pan out, and other evidence shows it to be true, it shows that this "Omar" may in fact have actually been the "patsy" for this operation, and was slated to take the fall for this entire incident....Yes, the more we look into this incident, the more we are seeing a major operation that took place...  I am waiting for evidence that this may have actually been a "drill" that went "live"......